Monday, June 20, 2011

Soft Hackle Glass Bead Caddis

Sort of a green rock worm, sort of a caddis pupae, sort of a caddis emerger, maybe a skunker, maybe a winner.  Hackle is a little long...but who knows.  This is the kind of thing you come up with when you haven't fished in a month and a half because your doctor says wading could spell doom for your newly repaired knee.  Yesterday I casted for nearly an hour on a soccer field.  Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Green Thumb
Hook: Size 14 BH/Emerger 
Thread: Black 8/0
Abdomen: 11/0 Green Glass Bead
Overbody: UV Epoxy
Wing: Hungarian Partridge
Thorax: AZ Synthetic Partridge



  1. Ooh! That looks yummy! I'll have to give that one a try.

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